Cemtech International Cement Conference
Cemtech International Cement Conference
Cemtech "International Cement Conference" from 30 September – 2 October 2019
CTP was happy to participate in this leading forum for up-to-date market and technical information, featuring participants from over 30 nations. Please contact us if you are intersted to receive our presentation on latest air pollution control technologies in the cement industry.
Some other News
Nine entrepreneurs from all over Austria were chosen to take on a special challenge: climbing the Dachstein, the highest mountain in Styria. The summit was a success, and one of the ambitious climbers was our CEO, Christian Schrammel.
On this year’s World Environment Day, CTP would like to highlight a moving artwork showcased at the UNEA 6 in Nairobi, Kenya. Bankslave is an artist from Nairobi who has been using his art to raise awareness on air pollution and environmental conservation.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who came by our stand and helped make our debut at IFAT Munich a success.
IFAT Munich 2024 has started! Our expert CTP team is ready to meet you and help you with your environmental needs in hall A4, booth 415/514.
We look forward to meeting you.
We are excited to announce that we will be participating in the IFAT trade-show in Munich!